Learn about our AROMA analyzers


CDPHE and CARB Expand Air Toxics Monitoring


03rd Sep 2024

The Colorado Department of Public Health (CDPHE) and the California Air Resources Board (CARB) are adding AROMA instruments to their toolkit, to advance  their air toxics monitoring programs.

CARB, already equipped with two AROMA instruments, is investing in two more to further bolster its ability to monitor critical air toxics throughout California. This move signifies CARB’s commitment to maintaining and improving air quality standards across the state. 

In Colorado, CDPHE is expanding its air toxics monitoring capabilities with the acquisition of three additional AROMA-TOX systems. These new units will play a crucial role in CDPHE’s growing Air Toxics and Ozone Precursor Section by measuring BTEX, hydrogen sulfide (H2S), hydrogen cyanide (HCN), ethylene oxide (EtO), and other VOCs. This purchase marks CDPHE’s fourth investment in AROMA technology.

Entanglement Technologies’ AROMA-TOX is a state-of-the-art thermal desorption, cavity ring-down spectroscopy (CRDS) analyzer. It features an innovative dual-laser system design that measures methane, water, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, H2S, HCN, and other small molecules at part-per-billion concentrations in real time. In lab-scan mode, the analyzer uses thermal desorption before CRDS analysis to reach lower detection limits. AROMA-TOX can detect benzene down to 2pptv in just 8 minutes.

We are proud to support CARB, CDPHE, and other agencies in their efforts to identify and control hazardous air pollutants and we are committed to helping organizations meet their regulatory requirements. 

Advanced air quality monitoring tools, AROMA technology enable regulatory agencies to detect and quantify various air pollutants to better understand the environment and protect their communities. 

Contact us to learn more about AROMA-TOX and other AROMA instruments. We look forward to connecting and learning about your projects.

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